I saw one of these display base lamps by American Case Company at a miniature show in Albuquerque, NM, and just loved it. They were handcrafted to order, and my husband ordered one for me as a birthday present. (We had to add the shade.) Unfortunately, the man who was doing business as American Case Company no longer advertises and apparently is not doing the lamps any more.
At the time of this picture, the lamp sat on a skirted table in our den. Some of my favorite miniature pieces reside in it, including a little Victorian Christmas tree, my first one, at holiday time.
The Cherry Pickers figurine by Robert Olszewski I paid for in monthly installments in the good ol' days when El Paso still had a miniature shop!
This flower arrangement was one of the first ones I made after conquering silk ribbon roses. It took me forever to learn how, until I finally figured out that I needed to roll them in the opposite direction from everyone else (I am not left-handed, either). The greenery that forms the base of the arrangement is a dried material called pepper grass. I recommend that you touch it up with a leaf- or Seminole-green paint, as some of it that I've used has faded a bit over time.
The brass vase was a purse cigarette-snuffer-outer that my dear late mother-in-law gave me when she quit smoking many years ago.
The beaded purse doesn't show up too well, but it is really nifty. There were directions for making these in a fairly recent Dollhouse Miniatures Magazine.
The album (with real pictures) was a gift from a very talented lady, Lyn Collins, one of the first miniaturists I met in the early days. She was an inspiration to me and very generous in sharing both her ideas and her materials.
I bought the basket several years ago at a NAME National in either Philadelphia or Minneapolis; can't recall which. It's one of my favorite things. I love the delicacy of the roses.
I bought this cat from Norma Bartley at The Little Shoppe in Lubbock. He looks as if he wants to take a sip from that cup - or has he already stuck a paw in?
This is a good example of how when resin dries it shrinks down in the middle. I need to go back and add more; keep forgetting to do that.
The Roses figurine, also by Robert Olszewski, is another one I paid for in layaway. I need to add a doily under that lamp.
The chocolates in the angel tin were made by Carolyn Hall and even have the brown ruffly paper cups; a few are wrapped in colored foil. They look so real; my youngest granddaughter asked, "Can I have one of those pieces of candy, Nana?"
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