(You can read Uncle Buster's story here.)
Uncle Buster - although I didn't know that's who he was at the time - is one of my earliest dolls, made in a workshop in the 80s with the late Beth Lane.

He is made from a Santa Claus mold.

We made his underwear with a very lightweight knit fabric and I thought it was quite realistic, as I remembered my grandfather wearing similar long underwear year round.
If I were to make Uncle Buster now, I would not fasten the feet to the legs until I knew for sure what posture I wanted for him. I know now that often the legs need to be longer for certain poses, as when he sits in a chair, or bends over like this. I didn't know about such things in those days and made a full dressed doll, and had a very difficult time later making him bend over to pour his bath water.
I intended him to look rather grizzled, but made the mistake common to new dollmakers in giving him way too much hair. If I were to do him now, he would be more balding. I would also use a wash on his face to darken his complexion, since obviously a miner would spend a lot of time in the sun.
Even with his flaws, I like Uncle Buster - viewed from a distance. lol
You can read all about him and why he ALMOST took a bath here.