The Minidoll miniature dolls list had a project called Rhonda and Rivet (Rhonda is the steampunk witch; Rivet is her cat), which began with a graphic. Using that picture as inspiration, list owner Dana Burton designed the doll and provided a limited number of kits for list members. Others designed and provided kits for making the roombox and its contents. There were contests where people created their own versions of that steampunk witch's kitchen and various accessory items.
A special roombox, with various members contributing items for it, was raffled off, I believe, at The 2018 Good Sam Show.

My contribution for the raffle roombox was the shelf which appears on the wall across from the witch.

When I think of steampunk I think of metallics and pipes, so my focus included metallic finishes on both the shelf and its contents, along with a sink for the witch to use in her preparations.
Two pieces of stained bassword glued at right angles form the shelf and its supports are standard basswood corbels. I used a repainted metallic finding to trim the back, and metallic silver stickers were used as trim across the front and on the side of the shelf supports. However, by the time everything was added, hardly any of ithe "metal" on the sides shows.

I began with the sink bowl, which was a finding that I glued to a footed piece. I am not sure what either was intended for originally. I painted a standard faucet copper to match. Some old manuscripts and heavy gold coins are tucked around the sink base.

The next item I added was the green ceramic bowl. The orange mushroom was made by Georgia Marfels, and the other plants were contrived from various odds and ends.

A black glass vase with three black wands and a stoppered bottle filled with liquid are behind the bowl.

A piece of green cheesecloth on the right side and a patterned fabric on the left were draped around to provide softness and color coordination to tie in with the bowl and the dragon.
I added a rivet and a sequin to a sink pipe to fit the space underneath, painting them copper, as well. A black key/implement hangs from a brass piece on the right.
Balancing the bowl is the metallic "secrets" box on the right, to which I added copper accents. The little alarm clock, a charm, was trimmed with copper and gold accents. The metal dragon was a charm which I painted green to coordinate with the mushrooms bowl.

The jar on the far right has a spider web on the front and is filled with "spider fur." I contrived the lid and painted it black.

A tall glass bottle with an added label is filled with blue-green "somethings" formed from flower pips.

Wow! I am not sure what that snaky, hairy thing is. I swear out of the corner of my eye I saw it move.
This was a one-of-a-kind piece for a special group project, but I had such fun creating it that I would like to do somthing similar for myself.