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January, 2008

In a major rearranging, we switched bookcases and part of the entertainment unit around, from the living room to the den, and vice versa. In the process, we moved the etagere to the living room, where it now sits to the left of the front door as you walk in.

And, of course, there is my Green Man, double here because he is reflected in the mirror at the back of the unit. Durinjg the holidays, Christmas of 2007, I piled "sugared" fruit around him, and put a bunch of grapes in his hand, just for the heck of it. I liked the effect and decided to leave it, and may replace it with other seasonal items as the year progresses.

It's hard to get a good full-on picture because of the mirror in the back.

So, here he is from the side again.

Since we moved the etagere to the living room, I now use the two upper shelves to showcase The Desert Dweller and more of my dolls.



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