Here the glass and metal box from the Fall pages in Seasons is used to showcase a wonderful wicker chair from the Warlings.

A container like this is an excellent way to emphasize a seasonal change or to call attention to some special small piece like this chair or a special table or hutch, etc.
SIDE NOTE: Notice the tableskirt? It's made of velvet leaves and I have never seen another like it. It was a bit over the top for the living room, I thought, but now works perfectly on a table in the corner of our den where Green Men items are showcased.

I did a wicker rocking chair workshop with Pepper Murray, and after that I have a great appreciation for those like her and the Warlings who do such great wicker. Now that was real WORK - and I never did finish my chair.

I am a fan of Sadie Ludecke and this is another of her beautiful braided half-rugs. The three books are WANNA BOOK? Book Covers from my Floral & Gardening theme. If you are interested, they are available here.

These colorful plants, among my earliest efforts, are made of paper.

At one time I used this tall palm-type plant with the chair, but removed it because I thought it made the small setting too cluttered. It was made by clustering leaves from a flower stem and wrapping with florist tape. I dry-brushed and touched the edges with a beige paint.

The strawberry pillow was made by my daughter. I am not absolutely sure, but I think she also made the other one, too.

These calico cats in a basket were a birthday gift one year from my friend Sandi, who was experimenting with Fimo at the time. They are one of my favorite possessions.

This sewing basket was a gift from my friend Billie Haynie. I am not sure if she made it or it was purchased, but I have always loved it because it reminds me of my grandmother. It contains a skein of embroidery thread, scissors, a card of buttons, a tomato pincushion, measuring tape and a nifty wooden darning egg. Unfortunately, they don't all show well here.
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