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"A ride on a tumbleweed would have been fun, too..."

Well, still no rain, but things are humming along out at the Franklin Mountains State Park. We just received a picture from Richard Love showing the first babies of the season.

He took this photo at the Bird Blind. These are Gambel's Quail. (See those bees sipping at the trickling water.)

Notice the baby quails' little topknots?

This is what they will look like when they are grown. They are beautiful birds, and often in the park we see Mama Quail with her line of little quail trailing along behind her.


I have heard from lots of people who checked out the adventures of the Flat Stanleys Logan and Kaleb in El Paso.

Lucie Seiler in CT wrote,

"Your adventures with two Flat Stanley boys was great. I enjoyed all the photos. My sister and I teamed up for our grandniece, Daisy, who lives in Dallas and took her FS to historic sights in Boston and silly places with me in CT.

Because it was winter my sister made FS a red felt coat and hat ...

and I knit him a scarf. We had a lot of fun doing this and then we created an Apple book for Daisy to take to school."

And I also heard from Jean Brown:

"Just reading your Flat Stanleys adventures. I had one from my grandson in Florida last year. I live in New Zealand and the teacher unfortunately didn't send it by airmail and we had to do it very quickly and e-mail it all back. It seems like a  good thing for them to do, and because we are in a different country he had things a bit different.

,,,And of course it involved my miniatures."

Notice that the Flat Stanley from Florida had the actual child's face on it!

Here is a sampling of people who also wrote about their contacts with Flat Stanleys:

Holly of Grandma Holly's house:

"We got Flat Stanley from one of our grandkids year ago and took him to Seattle and around our island. It was fun taking the pictures and writing about it and other people seemed to know what we were doing. Guess Flat Stanley's get around alot."

Carolyn in TX:

"When my daughter (now 26) brough home her Flat Stanley, she was pretty excited because her dad was getting ready to leave on a busines trip to Scotland. We still have the photo of Flat Stanley on the wall at Edinburgh Castle."


"I had a girlfriend who was doing this for one of her grandkids. By the time I heard about it, she had sent Flat Stanley back to the the kid. If she had sent him to me, he could have had a tour of my mini Bag End and met Frodo and Bilbo Baggins there, and watched a horse being trained (not in Bag End!)."

Fay in St. Louis:

"One of our Red Hatter people had Flat Stanley visit her (he was from the south and we live in St. Louis ) in the winter time. She made him a hat and coat and mittens and pictures him playing in the snow. He also visited our RH luncheon and she took pictures of him with us. Very cute."

Dottie in Tucson:

"My grandson sent me Flat Stanley a while back--he had a wonderful visit here in Tucson. It was in the spring, too, and my cousins were visiting here from western NY state so he got to go to several nearby parks. I think one of the highlights of his visit was when Aunt Deb gave him a facial complete with cucumber slices over his eyes!"

Don't you wish we had a picture of THAT? lol

Steve in Kansas/New York:

"Flat Bob, one of my friends, would like to ask Uncle Robert a question: Flat Bob was especially interested in Uncle Robert's mountain Bike, and was wondering about the tires. Does he have those heavy duty inner tubes that make a flat tire almost impossible? He thinks that those would almost be necessary. Flat Bob also wonders if there are very many pedicabs in El Paso ? He had never seen a pedicab until his visit to NYC and saw how many were by Central Park!"

No, Flat Bob, they are tubeless, actually; Uncle Robert uses Stan's No Tube Tire Sealant, he informs me. As for Pedicabs in El Paso, yes, there is at least one young entrepreneur named Chuck in Downtown who operates a Pedicab service.

Cheryl Martin Turner wrote:

Cheryl wrote: "My 3 little grandsons just finished a visit from one to the other two. He went to church, visited their new "Brew Pub", played basketball, soccer, and ended up in a tree. They are just so cute and fun."

I also heard from some of my former students:

Kathy Offutt Borunda commented:

"How neat. Years ago, our Flat Stanley went to Michigan and was fortunate enough to go to Disney World with the family he visited. We had so much fun with him. My oldest daughter did it in 5th grade. She is a junior now and we still have the poster We sent him to Jill Egger in Michigan and he had a wonderful time traveling to Disney World with them. It was fun. My youngest, now 13 never did Flat Stanley at school. Wish I would have thought to do it anyway. Looks like yours had a wonderful time exploring El Paso."

Connie Lujan Murphy, a former student and editor of our school's literary magazine when I was teaching creative writing. Connie was an excellent writer and studied bilingual education.

Connie wrote:

"You should have photographed them holding on to a street sign with their feet in the air (of course, they would have been taped on) or in a pile of sand that the wind blew in. A ride on a tumbleweed would have been fun, too. LOL My son's Flat Stanley went to England to see my Sister-in-Law and she passed it on to a friend of hers visiting around Europe. It was quite sweet."

You can tell Connie is from El Paso, can't you - mentioning wind, sand and tumbleweeds! lol

Apparently, children send characters other than the Stanleys around, too. Fern Rouleau wrote:

"I had some Kelly dolls visit from around the US and we took them everywhere and took pics. It was so funny when I did my diving class and here was my divemaster assistant who was about 6 foot 5 and 250 pounds and he was posing the little Kelly doll near the water so I could take a pic of her...."

And Paula Miller was set to musing:

"...why not have someone take a full-length picture of me & print it out to scale, so that "I" can enjoy being in my dollhouse myself? It seems to me there was an article in one of the mini mags about a guy who even took pics of his friends & posed them in the dh, too, as if they were having a party.

I could take this flat "me" along on vacation to pose at different places, so that "I" can be in the picture, too! Cool!"

Now that is a good idea, Paula! People already think miniaturists are strange enough, so why not?

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