This dome scene was a prototype for a Laundry workshop I presented to our club over two meetings several years ago.
The wallpaper was left over from a full-size bathroom redo in the 70's!
Based on a full-size one I saw in a mail order catalog, I developed my own kits for the wash board planter and the scrub brush on top. For the sheet of printies to make the various wall plaques (well before computer printies and Googling for images), I cut pictures from more mail order catalogs and then made copies. I still find myself clipping from catalogs, by the way; sometimes it's easier to use a catalog picture than to find one on the internet.
This is a purchased table, but I made several like it and offered them for sale to the club members. Every single one sold; I didn't even think to keep one for myself. Visible in the lined drawer are scissors, a tape measure and a card of buttons.
The folded chambray shirt on the right end of the table was made from Alice Zinn's clothing booklet. The panties match the hanging bra on the folding clothes rack.
The blue checked pot holder has a pale blue ribbon hanging loop and a strawberry applique cut from a piece of stiffened gift ribbon. The white kitchen towel under it is a piece of paper towel, cut, folded, ironed firmly. The trim is two lines drawn with a felt pen. The other cloth dish towel has a stamped design (doesn't show here) and was fringed.
The folded sheet and pillow case on the left side of the table are made from facial tissues. The trim was cut from a wider piece of lace, its raw edge covered with tiny ribbon, then the linens were folded and pressed with a hot iron. The blanket is a piece of rose print flannel with a ribbon binding.
The bleach and fabric softener bottles were made from the medicine containers my mother-in-law used for her breathing treatments and saved for me. I cut them to size, glued on cardboard bottoms and spray painted them white. The lids were made from paper strips painted black or blue and labels cut from advertisements were glued on. I made enough bleach bottles for everyone. It was fun figuring it all out, although I don't know if all that work was worth it for the finished product.
The Tide box was purchased. The iron dates back to the 70's at least; I'm pretty sure it was in my daughter's dollhouse. I did some repainting and added the cord. The little fabric softener box was from a kit; I added a piece of tissue to suggest the sheet.
I also provided a kit for the folding clothes rack, another idea adapted after seeing one in a catalog.
The t-shirt was a gift from a friend. The black and white vest is Alice's pattern. The hanging bra (next time I made one I put a lining in it!) and the matching panties on the table were another workshop. They were made from lace. The flower on the bra is raveled bunka.
The clothespin holder (hanging from the yellow coat hanger on the clothes rack), was from a Joann Swanson project. The Sunbonnet Sue and Sam fabric was cut from stiffened gift ribbon. It took real dedication to make those turned toothpick clothespins.
I also made both clean and dirty socks from Alice's booklet, but I gave them to a club member who oohed and aahed, thinking I would make more later to add to this scene. Unfortunately, I never did that. Now when someone oohs and aahs I just smile, say Thank you, and keep them! lol The baby gown and little shirt in the basket were also adaped from Alice's booklet, but the little crocheted blanket was made by a friend. I made the stockings.
The scoop in the Tide box was cut from one of those nylon price tag loop thingies, dipped in red glass stain.
The hampers were made from some kind of plastic containers for the tumblers that go in locks, given to me by a friend of my son's. My son also made everyone a half dozen clothes hangers from colored paper clips.

We made clothes baskets from the water softener baskets that hang in the dishwasher. (And while I'm thinking of it, here's another use for those baskets in an outdoor setting.)
The back wall is textured wallpaper from a sample book. If I were to do it now, I would use a darker color for better contrast with the white sheet, which was made from one of my husband's old handkerchiefs. Did I tell you it was really tedious making those clothespins?
The rose bush is made from dried greenery; the blooms are strawflowers.
I don't remember where I found the little flocked cat who's yowling in triumph at bringing the laundry into the dirt, but he reminded me of a cat my mother-in-law used to have who terrorized her every time she went to the clothesline. Unfortunately, his features don't show up too clearly in these pictures.
The end of the clothesline extends off the scene into infinity!
I put in far more hours getting this workshop together than I probably do doing real laundry! It took a lot longer than I expected for the club members to make up all the kits, and those who liked to talk didn't finish. Some of them came to my home later and worked on their own scenes or domes.