This little shadowbox is something I view daily, as it sits above the counter to the right of our coffeepot.
Our club's group project one meeting was making crates and wallpapering a small display box that we had bought at Hobby Lobby. I decided to use mine to showcase some kitchen items.
The back is a miniature brick wallpaper. Hanging on the wall is a spice cupboard made in a workshop. The bottles on the top shelf are pieces of clear tubing with glue forming the bottom. The contents are made by putting in bits of fine sand or crushed greenery or paint in various colors to suggest spices. The cork stoppers are pieces of toothpicks. The bottles on the lower shelf I made using different colored clear beads with small wooden circles and beads on top as lids. I made their labels (pre-internet days) by drawing tiny rectangles with colored felt pens on cassette label stickers, then cutting them out.
The grater on the wall is a metal miniature; the laser cut chicken was made by the Elmers (I think), the white El Paso Pottery Company crock was a gift at the NAME Regional when it was held in El Paso in the early 90s. I made the apple pie, canned goods, fruits and vegetables, the apple towel and the potholder.
The lemon teapot was a show purchase, as was the set of hanging ladles. The blue pitcher I bought along with several others from a pitcher collection at an antiques sale held in a church basement in New Hampshire. One of these pitchers sits on the Wife of Bath's wine cabinet.
The fabrics used for the towels and pot holders are old-fashioned prints that reminded me of the ones I saw in my grandmother's kitchen when I was a very small chld.
I made the bread and all the fruits and vegetables from Fimo. The old-fashioned salt box next to the sauce pan was once in my daughter's dollhouse.
Since minr is an interior kitchen with no window, a CocaCola mirror hangs at eye level over my kitchen sink under some shelves with cookbooks and full-size pitchers, and this little box hangs over the counter top to the left. It has turned out to be one of my favorite pieces and I peer into it almost daily while I wait for the coffee to brew.
The Easy Chair Dome
Here's a little dome scene I made for a friend of my mother's several years ago.
This is her pet, who likes to gnaw on Crystal's slippers while she reads The National Inquirer.
Crystal does love eating chocolate-covered doughnuts while watching her favorite soap operas.
The television control is a piece of strip wood painted black. I rounded the edges with an emery board. The buttons were made with a toothpick and acrylic paint, using our real TV control as a guide. I also made a TV Guide for the table top but hadn't added it when I took these pictures. The doughnuts are Fimo with brown paint chocolate frosting.
The pillow front is cut from lace, and placed over a solid pink background, with two rows of plain bunka as trim. The throw has aluminum foil glued onto the back. This allows it to be shaped as if it were naturally tossed onto the chair arm. I learned this trick from Alice Zinn.
Using a small chair and table as focal points, with a little sleuthing to find out their likes and habits it is easy to make a personalized gift for almost anyone. (See Raul's Dome in SW pages)
This scene in a canning jar was a table gift at the Albuquerque Roundup banquet in 2001. Don't ask me how they did it, but it is delightful. The chair has a crackle finish.
The spoons with the tiny mice in a garden were gifts at the Sunday brunch. All we had to do was tie them on.
The fabric on the lid was a red print; I replaced it with this pink so it would go better in my kitchen.
You can see the Kerr jar logo on the back. The sticker on the bowl of the spoon says A Gift From Poco A Poco (little by little )Miniature Club.