Originally, I had this secretary in my mother's display lamp, but couldn't keep it there and display the porcelain pieces on the whatnot shelf, too.

At one point the secretary resided in a bookcase in my living room in front of my antique Shakespeare books. Now it resides on another shelf in the den.

It stands on a ceramic bookend made by a woman in Chihuahua, Mexico. The Falstaff bottle is a real collectible now, I understand. (His head and collar form the bottle's top, which lifts off.) I purchased him in Ft. Davis TX when we were on our way home from Houston. I bought him, along with another bottle that is a cardinal; and a third which looks like an Aztec sculpture. My daughter has both of those.

This little secretary is one of my favorite pieces because it has some items with special meaning in it.

In its shelves are some of the first books I made that I was really satisfied with. That wooden duck came from Nicole Walton-Marble and the elephant figure I have had for a long, long time. The "music box" wth the yellow rose on top I made in a workshop with Lyn Latimer many years ago. It used to have a beautiful blue bird on it that was apparently made from bread dough. It was destroyed by a vile wormlike critter that hatched inside and ate its way out. No bread dough creations for me after that!

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