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August 2011

I had an email from Tina Haley.

"I have been looking at your website for years and I love your Mossy Glen.  I had a red victorian couch to redo for a contest and thought of Timothy Martin, one of my favorite painters.  After brousing his website I remembered your Mossy Glen

"Well, I made my own and I called it "Babysitting in a Mossy Glen"  I won first place with it in the contest then I entered it in the Fair and not only won First Place there but also won Best of Show.  I thought you may like to see it." 

I love Tina's innovative use of the sofa, and the story suggested by the elf looking over the sleeping fairy.

She continued, "I am also sending photos of a fairy scene made in a perfume box.  When I finished it I thought of your scene also."

Tina's choice of the perfume box is excellent. She has made something special in an inexpensive container, allowing this woodland scene to be viewed from all angles. Note her eye for detail, as well; from the pastels that reflect the coloring of the fairies, to the shaping of the blue flower that arches into the upper reaches of the box. Tina has captured a moment that arrests our attention and makes us wonder about the relationship between those two fairies.

Thanks, Tina! I loved seeing your delightful settings based on my Mossy Glen. Our projects never truly end, do they, if others are inspired to do something as a result.

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