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My son gave me a clear glass footed cake plate for Christmas when he was a teenager. Besides being a wonderful container for delectable desserts, it is also handy for displaying seasonal cooking settings.

Here it holds an apple-pie baking table for Thanksgiving.

When she was still living in Midland (and there was still a miniature club here) Lyn Latimer came to El Paso in the 80s to do a workshop . Here I am with this table in progress.

That's Josefinal Allen to my left, and Sally Ferguson at the far end. Not sure who that is who has her head turned away.

Josefina made some incredible Christmas ornaments and had a club workshop one year where we made trees. She also did Miss Minnie's bed covering, while Sally did the Welcome mat and painted the kitchen hutch in Miss Minnie's House.

Lyn guided us in putting the table together. We also fringed the cloth, made the rolling pin, cutting board and paring knife (I think it has disappeared over the years). The whole, peeled, sliced and cored apples are made from Fimo. The color on the apples is achieved with Red Madder artist's chalk. It really was a challenge getting a thin realistic peel!

We also made the pie crust, rolled out dough and the ball of dough, and the stick of butter.

I later added the utensils in the drawer, and the braided rug is by Sadie Ludecke, but everything else was included in Lyn's workshop.

This setting gets some second glances from visitors, who first notice the large apples, then the table!



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