This little tree is the first non-lycopodium one I ever made, probably in the early 90s, and every Christmas it is part of a Victorian sitting room in a glass lamp base.

Trees like this are commonly available at Christmas time; its branches look like paper. (See another in The Bear in the Dumpster/Cloudcroft Cafeteria scene). It came stuck into a little round section of wood, so to give it more stability, I glued the wood to a larger circle of cardboard.
I went to a lot of trouble to make a Victorian tree skirt just a bit larger than the cardboard circle, but with the packages glued on, you can't even see the skirt!
A tip: If you are wanting a decorative tree skirt to show, use a large plain circle, glue on your packages and THEN add your decorative trims to the outer edges.

The tree has lots of little nosegays on the branch tips. I made them with little circles cut from lace, tiny dried rosebuds and the settlings from the bottom of a potpourri package. You might want to touch up the rosebuds with paint; I discovered that their color faded.

The other decorating trims were pink and burgundy roses, gold-and-burgundy ribbon bows, gold garland, and pink and white pearl balls.
The little angel's body and arms are made of tiny paper cones. Her head is a small pearl, her halo a pearl sequin. Her wings took advantage of a bow element in the wrapping paper. The two back-to-back bows underneath the angel were from a little girl's hair ornament.

Here's the back view of the tree.

Here it is in the display lamp that sits on a table in our den. It's not easy to photograph with all that glass AND the mirrored back.

The cat who lives in this display lamp all the time just can't seem to leave the ornaments alone.

I usually leave the same silk flower arrangement on top of the bombe chest, but this time I exchanged the Robert Olzewski figurine for this little Victorian girl in her Christmas finery. The angel tin holds chocolates.

That little nutcracker sits on the side table admiring the tree. Occasionally he alternates with the Victorian girl in the pink coat.

He and these two other nutcrackers are exceptionally well made and were purchased at a gift shop called Collectibles. They were intended as tiny tree ornaments; I cut the string loops from their hats.
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