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After I learned to make food items out of Fimo and resin, I made this Easter Egg Dyeing dome setting in the late 80s or early 90s.

I exhibited it for the first time at the Second Southwest Roundup held in El Paso in the early 90s, although I used to take it to school to sit on a table in my writing center during the week before the Easter holidays.

My primary furnishings were three white wire pieces.

I used solid pink paper behind the open weave screen to give more contrast from the front; then for a more finished look on the back covered it with a mini wallpaper and trimmed the edges with bunka.

The purchased roses in the jug on the top shelf of the wicker stand are made of Fimo. The figurines are either plastic or resin, I forget which.

On the middle shelf are three chocolate eggs made from Fimo (the white swirls are white bathtub caulking), a tiny basket with flower pip eggs and a little china bunny.

On the next shelf is a sugar egg with a scene inside that was made by Eileen McDanal (not sure of the spelling).

The chocolate bunny holding the carrot was white plastic which I painted brown; the box was made from a kit. This was the old days, before internet printies were readily available, and the designs were hand drawn and hand colored.

The gift-wrapped box is an old Scrabble tile.

The bunny in the chair was made of Fimo. His eyes and the heart on his ear were painted.

Baskets were made from needlepoint canvas dipped in a glue-water mixture, shaped over a form and spray painted when dry. Eggs in yellow basket are Fimo; those in little blue basket may be flower pips.

The dye in the mugs is glass stain; the eggs were Fimo. The little wire dipper on the left was made by wrapping wire around a round paintbrush handle.

The carton for the chocolate marshmallow eggs was made from a kit, and

I made the eggs from white Fimo wrapped with brown.

This is probably the first fern I ever made, from floral tape and wire using Ruth Hanke's instructions. The brass plant pot is the lid from a bottle of Anais-Anais cologne. The table is an inexpensive purchase that came with an out-of-scale backgammon board and dice glued to the top. I removed them and made a new cardboard top. I don't recall where I got the decorative round boxes.

The glass of red Kool-Aid on the napkin on the corner of the table was made with resin; tiny clear glass beads made the ice. Someone has taken a bite out of one of those chocolate marshmallow eggs, it looks like.

See the broken egg on the floor? It's now a family tradition to get this scene out every year so we can once again tell a story about my two oldest grandsons. They were quite small when I made this scene and were fascinated by the eggs. Despite my explicit reminder not to touch the glass dome, one day they removed it to pick up the eggs that were loose in the copper pan and accidentally dropped two or three on the floor of the scene.

When I walked into the room they were hurriedly putting them back in the pan and my then-youngest grandson Jeremy said excitedly, "I didn't break that egg on the floor, Nana. Josh did!"

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