great cabinet was a real find at Hobby Lobby. I immediately
loved it because of its exotic paint job which made me think
of Africa. Because its two shelves were badly warped, it had
been greatly reduced.
colors on this cabinet are much more vibrant than they appear
here. Unfortunately, these photos are bad because of the poor
lighting in my hallway, where the cupboard had been hanging for at least
two years, waiting for the shelves to be replaced and painted. (In 2010 it is now on top of a shelf unit in a guest bedroom.)
For the longest time, I kept hauling one of those warped shelves back and forth in my totebag and somehow
never seemed to remember to get new shelves cut at Lowe's or
somewhere like that. My husband told me he would do it, but

shelves came with it, which would make the top "floor" quite low. I guess I will decide whether to use just one,
halfway between, perhaps. I need to get out all the objects
I have collected and made for a trial run to see how things
first thought was that this would be a gentleman's study and
bedroom, but it may wind up as a shop instead.

are so many different paint motifs here that it will be fun
to fill it with not just African items; perhaps Moorish, Turkish,
even some Oriental and other ethnic items might work, too.
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