Here are some more little dolls that I found languishing in drawers, with no scene or home to call their own.

They now reside in little brass and glass boxes from Mexico and usually sit on a bookshelf.

This inexpensive little figurine reminded me of my granddaughters playing in my playroom.

Her tiny Raggedy looks at a cradle. Although I repainted it, it would look better with a little more effort, like a blanket, perhaps some ribbon trim, etc.. Lying on its side on the floor is a miniature hanging lamp made from a tiny pearl and a finding.

The doll bed is made of balsa and turned toothpicks.

This little doll is made entirely of clay. I bought her from a friend at a local doll show. She is a little over an inch tall.

I dressed this little doll in a piece of green silk ribbon and some snips cut from lace. She is about two inches tall. If I were to do her now, I would give her some shoes and fiddle with that skirt a bit more!
I forgot to get a closeup of the tiny little doll with her trunk that sits atop the stack of glass boxes. I also have other dolls, but just haven't made pictures yet.
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