We had cabbage for lunch yesterday and I was reminded of this little setting which I made back in March and for some reason got sidetracked without showing for St. Patrick's Day.

The small green lantern was from Hobby Lobby and the glass candlestick was a gift from my daughter Dana.

I have long been a fan of Cindy McDaniel's skirted table and chair sets, and this one just cried out for a St. Patrick's themed setting. I used a glass circle for the top. The iris and daffodils I made at some point, and the doily is probably from either Ruth Stewart, Shellie Williams or Jean Day - I forget who at the moment.
There is a tiny leprechaun, a shamrock coffee pot and a teakettle in the cupboard, which unfortunately don't show up too well.
The pie cupboard I made with Mary Banner in one of my first quarter scale workshops many years ago. The plant I have had in my stash for a long time. That sign on top behind the canister has a St. Patrick's quote, which I forgot to take a picture of first. Well, frankly, this time I forgot to take any pictures until I had everything all glued in place.

I used a shabby chic hutch from Debra T. Jones.

This little bluebird clock is also from Debra Jones.

Who knew that the colors of these two furniture pieces so many years apart would be so close? The yellow and white towel on the hutch corner is made from a corner of a cocktail napkin.

I spent considerable time working on the corned beef and cabbage platter, which also includes carrots, and was the whole focus of this scene, and since I forgot to take pictures before I glued everything in place this is good as I can get! Darn. You will just have to take my word for it that it looks good enough to eat!