I made this picnic table years ago when I first started making Fimo foods. It was based on a dome scene by Ann Maselli which first appeared in the old Nutshell News (now Dollhouse Miniatures Magazine), then came out in her booklet, Holiday Domes.

A picnic was an ideal setting for cold cuts, boiled eggs, relishes, crackers and breads that I had made in club workshops and following Mary Eccher's food series in the old Nutshell News. The picnic table and bench were made of balsa.

I don't recall where I got this water jug, but always liked it. Unfortunately, the spout seems to have disappeared over the years. Gee, now how can we get the water out?

As far as I recall, this picnic basket and the bread and condiment containers were the first time I used needlepoint canvas to make baskets. (When I make picnic baskets now, I make the handles about half that size!)
Since I have a full-size Coca-Cola collection, I remember being quite thrilled to find those Coca-Cola paper plates. Believe it or not, the straw hats were earrings!

The sail boat and kite were very early toy projects. The potato chip package was made using typing paper and a coupon picture.

Fido, who loves cheese, has abandoned the ball to retrieve a piece that looks as if it had fallen on the ground. That's the kite's rag tail showing between his legs.
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