There was a challenge on LittleEnoughNews quarter scale list to make something in a box. I kept thinking I would use a little heart box for my contribution, but it just sat in front of my computer, empty.
I tend to work on seasonal items AFTER the holiday is over, and ordered more small divided plastic storage boxes for more accessible storage for my individual miniature Christmas accessories. Recently I have been sorting through stuff; passing on some items, cleaning up dusty settings, redoing others, and eliminating broken or amateurish pieces from my earliest days.

For many years this little sheep, about one inch long, resided in the bottom of my Crooked Christmas Cabinet, found here.
I was tired of the contents in that dusty little cabinet, so removed everything, straightened the shelves, and put it aside. I have plans to fill it with something else; not sure what at this point.

This little sheep was one of my earliest clay attempts, after I had seen a similar one at a miniature show back in the late 80s. After I took him out of that cabinet, the little fellow looked right into my heart and after all this time, I decided he needed to be more visible..
Aha! He would fit in that Valentines box, I thought!
So, in the midst of my ongoing Christmas sorting, he became the focus of my entry in the box contest, my Valentines Day project 2016.

The little heart box is slightly under 3 inches at its widest point. I painted the interior a sky blue and added the printed out graphic in the center, gluing cut-out clouds from my graphics program to meld the edges together.

The grass and red bush are model landscaping materials, the "tree" is a sprig of dried real greenery, and the fence is a strip of plastic needlepoint mesh painted with white acrylic paint.
And I Love Ewe, Too!